When doing a search for
credit report repair or go through the forums that are known with consumer advocates and credit repair specialists and you probably will find more than a few contributors who say that fixing your credit reports is a simple process. According to them, all you need, is a copy of your credit reports, and you to compose a dispute letter to the credit bureaus pleading your case, and in 30 days the offending items on your reports are gone. Your credit score gets instantly better and you can make all of the purchases you need.
Actually credit report repair is not as simple as many people say. Imagine though if credit repair were so easy, why would the federal government create legislation to preserve the integrity of the companies offering credit report repair services instead of just banning the practice altogether?
The Reason why
Credit Repair is Difficult
Understanding why credit repair is not simple and why the process has to be regulated requires a little understanding of the economics driving the bureaus; the main three of which are Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. contrary to what many people believe,
credit bureaus are not government entities. They are profit seeking corporations that make money by collecting your personal information and selling it to interested parties. They are regulated by laws created to oversee credit reporting agencies but the agencies are not created as a result of legislation. In reality, if it weren't for the fact that they are required by law to investigate consumer disputes, the credit bureaus wouldn't even bother with the practice in the first place. For the bureaus, credit report repair is a drain on resources with zero return on investment.
In return the bureaus do not want to make it easy for you to repair your credit but even more than that, you are the only one that wants to remove errors from your credit report. You are not the primary client of the credit bureaus and until the bureaus began selling credit reports directly to consumers the credit bureaus could not profit from you at all, makes sense?.
How Exactly does the Credit Bureaus Make
Credit Repair Difficult
Now that we know why the credit bureaus make credit repair difficult we just need to know how? Nothing simpler, by using the same laws that have been enacted to allow consumers to dispute negative items in their credit reports. Credit report legislation states that consumers are able to dispute any items on their credit reports that they feel are inaccurate, unverifiable, or misleading. These vaguely defined terms make it possible to dispute a lot of items on credit reports.
To counter the vague parameters provided to the individual consumers, the credit bureaus were also provided with even more abstract rules. According to the legislation, the bureaus are required to investigate consumer disputes unless they feel the disputes are "frivolous or irrelevant", and they take full advantage of this leeway. The bureaus set up "gatekeepers" who accept all consumer disputes and decide which disputes warrant an investigation, and since these gatekeepers work for the credit bureaus, they are clearly biased towards their employers and against you. Getting past the gatekeepers becomes the largest hurdle in credit report repair and frequently devolves into a trial and error process of writing letters, waiting, fielding rejections or stall letters, and starting all over again.
So How Can You Get Your
Credit Report Repaired - The Easy Way
Repairing your credit report can still be an easy process from your perspective; it just requires a simpler allocation of resources. Instead of spending resources like time and effort, you can spend a little money to have an expert repair your credit for you. This way, you will end up with the job done, faster, without any worries. Professional credit report repair is easy. You simply have to get your credit reports, provide them to a credit repair agency, select which items on your report you want to dispute and let them to manage the process from there.
credit report for more information.